The Answer To Most Questions

We get plenty of great questions during our consultations and even more from members. We love that you are trying to educate yourself with information that will help you get fitter and healthier.

Here’s an example of some of the questions we get:

  • My husband’s friend lost a bunch of weight doing keto, should I do it too?
  • Should I do group classes or personal training?
  • Should I try intermittent fasting?
  • Is eating a salad for lunch going to help me?
  • Can I lose “X” amount of pounds in 2 months?
  • What kind of snacks can I eat during the day?
  • What should I eat before a workout?
  • Is sugar bad for you?

And the list goes on and on.

You would think a simple question would get a simple answer. But what you’ll most likely hear from us is, “it depends.”

If you go to the doctors office because you’re not feeling well and tell the doctor, “I’m not feeling great, what’s wrong with me and what should I do?”. They won’t immediately tell you what it is. They will ask follow up questions and perform any needed tests so they can fully understand what’s happening before they give a diagnosis and treatment.

Let’s use the example of, “is eating a salad for lunch going to help me?”

Response: It depends. What’s your end goal? What do your other meals consist of? Do you keep a food journal and track your food? What kind of workouts do you do and how often? What’s in the salad? Is it store bought or did you make it yourself? And so on.

We have the same approach with labeling food. We don’t label food as “good” or “bad”. If you eat an Auntie Anne’s pretzel and a large bag of popcorn on a Friday night, that’s okay. Especially if the rest of the week you are following and eating a well balanced diet as well as training frequently.

The same case can be made for someone who says they eat healthy everyday, but who might be eating too little or too much of a certain macro or food group. For example, they might be eating too much fat for their body type and activity level or not enough protein to support muscle growth.

Now let’s talk about working out. Which workout program should you do?

It depends on what you’re looking for. What are your goals? What are you trying to work on? Do you have any injuries or restrictions? Do you enjoy group settings or 1-on-1? What do you enjoy doing? What’s your budget? And so on.

We need to see the whole picture before we can give you reasonable advice. Which is why we always start with a consultation first, so we can get to know you and understand what you are looking to achieve. We all need individualized coaching.

If you’re already a member, quarterly consultation are part of your membership. Schedule yours today!

To schedule a free consultation: CLICK HERE



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